Profit has to go, its an energy con, its at the heart of the systemic problem. In an engine it would be like a burst hose, there is no limit to what is lost by it, and we don't need it, if we get the energy supplies around the engine sorted out, clearing the blockages of capital (They are like lumps of cholestorol in arteries, they really mess up the flow of energy), allowing the energy to flow through all, the system would be self clearing, self repairing, instead of all the pressure blowing out through the burst hose.
We got a trial run during covid, and it really worked, when massive stimulus was issued, we got a glimpse of monetisation of solar product just for a short time, long enough to see how non bullshit businesses would be rescued by folk trading with free money, putting them into public ownership, and we saw the energy value of the dollar recover whilst the price of oil went negative, the first and only time ever so far. The markets were flooded with folk trading with free money, the traditional whales went on strike, led by buffet, claiming "Something had gone wrong with money". From his point of view, it had gone wrong because suddenly he had no more power in markets than anyone else, despite being one the richest people on the planet, it wasn't money that had lost value, it was capital that lost value. The whales couldn't get their heads round how ordinary folk with the power to vote for what they wanted in markets, weren't interested in profit, they just wanted to vote, with some money they didn't mind losing, they just wanted to save the products they wanted to keep for the future, like cars for hire. And they obviously didn't want oil.
I've modeled it somewhere else (Its in a Medium story, could dig it out sometime), with energy flowing like in an electrical or hydraulic circuit, capital is just stored energy, its only needed in small amounts to ease cashflow / energy flow, it would not be possible to store very large amounts of capital in a running engine. We've just never had it running, except for that one time, during covid, we just started it, watched it running for a bit, then starved it of energy again, shutting it down (The issue of free money stopped). It was an engine of creativity, the opposite of what we do with the engine stopped, and it is 100% dependent on solar energy, never the energy of the planet.