Privacy is Dead. Get With the Program.

Sum plus one. The only way to deal with loss of Privacy.

Frederick Bott
3 min readMay 28, 2019


A repeating dream that many, if not all of us have had in our lives, is the one where we find ourselves naked in a public place.

Some try to interpret the meaning of those dreams connected with other things going on in our lives at the time.

Maybe it was just a premonition.

Now, complete loss of privacy has come to pass for all of us.

Our privacy is gone.

In the dream we might have felt anything between proud, or extremely ashamed.

In other words, in the latter case, a nightmare.

The reason we might feel bad in such dreams is that we worry about, or experience something private to us being used against us.

If we are truthful with ourselves, we know that the only reason anyone would take advantage of us, is to gain something from us, at our expense, per the rules of the zero sum game.

Loss of privacy is irreversible. Once our private things have been seen, they can’t be unseen again.

The only variable left, is whether or not we will be taken advantage of.

We must remove the motive of anyone to take advantage of us.

The game we play has to change from zero sum, to sum plus one.

That means collaboration, non-profit collaboration.

To do this, we must put in place a system which rewards others and us for working together to generate value from which we mutually benefit, rather than from working against one another in pursuit of profit.

We must re-purpose all of that surveillance technology designed to extract profit from us, towards working for us, each of us individually, and as a worldwide community with no benefits to be had by anyone from exploiting our privacy.

The trick is to monetise our information captured by that technology in a way that truly reflects its value in the worldwide network, mixed with that of everyone else, in projects of all descriptions.

By this we obtain a system which provides all users with effectively unlimited wealth, in the same way that the energy from the sun is unlimited.

Life on our planet is not a zero sum game, but a sum plus one game.

Such a system benefits all those who might otherwise wish to profit from us.

Thus the urge for anyone to seek profit from us is removed.

That kind of system, offering all users unlimited income for doing whatever they like will propagate around the world faster than anyone can imagine.

That kind of system also realigns the inbuilt human urge to maximise wealth, with maximising also the value of our planet, undoing much of the damage done to date in pursuit of profit.

If we are aware of such systems in development, we must support them with all of the means at our disposal.

There may be more than one, but in the end they will all become one. They will collaborate, because there is nothing to be gained by one over the other, no profit to be won.

The only one I know of right now is VRENAR.

Get with the program.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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