Pretty shocking event, thanks for telling us about it.
I don't recall this story getting any coverage in UK mainstream news, and don't use much social media (Only Medium!).
Personally I am completely anti censorship, and have written articles explaining technically why. I agree social media has been instrumental in atrocity, but things would be very different if the platforms were all non profit, imho.
My usual subject is to explain how that will happen, as a natural outcome of going 100% solar, which I think is inevitable, much faster than most folk realise.
Metcalfe's law is what we should use to determine whether censorship is good or bad. If it was up to me I would elevate it to become statutory law. It is what a non profit (solar powered) Ai would use to make decisions.
Metcalfes law states that the value of a network is proportional to the number of users squared. So removal of any member reduces the network value, where value means benefit to humanity in general, not just a few.
So the ideal network is a single huge network covering all people. This also would be a natural outcome of all formerly profit driven networks collaborating instead of competing.
That will never happen as long as we do business for profit, and since profit is systemically dependent on energy by extraction, which is physically unsustainable, resulting already in a burning planet, profit has to stop. I think it will stop very abruptly, when it is agreed that solar indexed stimulus needs to be issued, as has to happen to correct inflation, which is happening because hundreds of billions of unmonetised solar economic product has been put to use in all developed countries, but never monetised. It can only be monetised by money issued for free because the sun asks nothing in return for the energy it gave and is increasingly giving, due to domestic and community solar continuing to scale up, regardless.
Sorry long way of explaining my thoughts on censorship, but hopefully you see it is all relevant.
In the end I would never have known about that horrendous crime if you hadn't written about it, and I guess you might not have heard about it if it had been censored. As it is we get to express our condemnation of it. But we might not, if things were cancelled or censored.
I guess nothing would ever be fixed, if we didn't know there was a problem.