Power and responsibility of issue money should be, and will probably be given to Ai, imho.
An issue that very few seem to be taking into account is that money is increasingly coming to represent nothing, because it continues to be issued only on extracted energy whilst economic product creation from non extracted (donated) energy continues to scale up. This is a physical explanation for recent inflation, backed by numbers. So the old philosophy of money issue resulting in inflation is reversed, more issue of money is needed now, not only to balance with economic product created from energy donated from the sun, but to further scale up the solar infrastructure, preferably backed by hydrogen, otherwise inflation will continue to spiral.
Ai seems to be one of the few analysts that actually accepts this, and given its massive capability to cross-check all supporting or refuting evidence, since it accepts it, it should be taken seriously, and since only Ai seems capable of understanding it and how it works, then only Ai is qualified to actually use it, to issue and control issue of money.