Point taken Mike, and I admit lately I've been losing patience, and maybe taking it out on doomers including maybe yourself, and definitely on anonymous doomers.
So I apologise for that.
But what is so frustrating about the doomerism thing, is that the solution requires that we all take the opposite path offered by nature, than the one we are currently on, to destruction.
Its worse knowing that science has neglected this due to it all being more or less for protit, and when we look closely at profit itself, and question it, Lo and behold, its an energy lie, and the whole system built on it has to lie accordingly, and this is what is fundamentally behind the constantly rising temperature.
So its great you are doing all of those things to try to cut down your own impact, but what if you could change the impact from negative to positive, driving back down the temperature instead of up?
I show technically how we can do this, but not many seem to see its a rigorous solution, a product of techniques long proven in the profit driven world, to produce workable multidisciplinary systems. Its the system of us working at last in creative mode, by way of us all being in domestic and community based solar hydrogen "Cells", all funded unconditionally by solar indexed stimulus.
By that we stand to do many things previously thought impossible, it becomes not an end, but a beginning, of humanity gone photosynthetic. By this we will have something like everlasting life, and a planet that looks like we wound it back to biblical days, when there was greenery even on the equator, because in a way we will have, we will literally undo most of the wrongs done by extracted energy, in the same way as any plant does when if forms leaves, and moves its dependence from the energy of Earth, to the energy of the sun, and then it starts to grow to an adult, paying back all its energy debt to the planet.
This is why I say we are at a crossroads.
The crossroads is the intersection between two S-curves of adoption, one for mathematically negative energy use, and one for mathematically positive energy use.
The curve of mathematically negative energy use, is the one we are riding downwards right now, we are using less and less of it, whilst we use more and more mathematically positive energy, the latter is ramping up.
Issue of money is currently linked with the curve ramping down.
But there is creation of economic product associated with both, and as the amount of product being created moves more and more towards beying produce using positive energy (Solar), at some point the issue of money has to also switch to this, because it cant be done on both, it has to be one or the other.
The only question is when, and how much of the value can we bear to see lost from the value of money, whilst it becomes progressively leass and less representative of the actual product being created.
And how much we want to see the planet burning, and how much war we want to see, and how much genocide / culling of life in general, yada yada.
This is what it looks like to me.
In a way, you hold the future in your hands.
If we never accept that there is an alternative way of doing things, we will never have it, we will be more or less stillborn as a species at birth, when we could have been nearly immortal us a photosynthetic lifeform, which assists growth on Earth, instead of destroying it, as we do right now, and will keep doing, until we can make that vital change of issue of money.
Everything changes when that happens, even oil prices immediately going negative.
It is radical, to point out difficult truths to folk who think the status quo has to be maintained at all costs.
But its even more radical to point out to the radicals predicting the end, that the end could be a beginning rather than an end, and actually this is what nature intended all along, that we are born as a species, like every plant is born, as soon as it forms its first leaves.
Maybe we should call the second kind of radicals, "Radical Squared", or radical^2, who knows, but either way, it will be Energyism, after we get it, this will be us finally honestly aligning money with energy, instead of with capital, which is just what any gangster would claim is their property, anyone daring to argue will be shot.