Personally, though I agree and applaud your ultimate belief, I have doubts about the origins of our species. It makes far more logical sense to me, given a substantial volume of circumstantial evidence which isn’t othetwise easily explained, that we were created by intervention.
Something buried so deeply within us that we can’t see how it affects our mindset and behaviour, is our obsession with ownership of capital.
That affects all kinds of things as we can see, even our ability to handle a virus, despite having the technical knowledge and tools, we tried to make a business of it, and it hasn’t worked, and can’t work, but we will probably wipe out all evidence of it not working, just like we seem to have managed to wipe out all history of the origins of ancient technology, like we see in the pyramids.
It seems to me that when we manage to isolate that and study enough about how it works to be able to switch it off, the world looks like an entirely different place, and we realise an infinity of things we could not see before, including other life in the universe.
But I like the basic message of your story and the linked video, it does look like maybe a convergence of minds might be happening, though the process is pretty chaotic, so far.