Frederick Bott
3 min readJan 26, 2023


Personally I believe that the will to power is something programed, so not compatible with nature. We will do well to hack it. Also I don't see anything wrong with the pursuit of pleasure, per se, unless it involves drugs or other things damaging the body.
The reason we might think pleasure has to be limited is because we think physical resources have to be limited.
This was true whilst we were/are limited to using only mathematically negative energy, which by nature involves destruction of some kind or another, therefore requiring frugality by the majority, in order to slow down the rate of destruction to a minimum.
So the drive to power might seem justified, and sustainable, if a minority enjoying power and unlimited pleasure rule the majority, enforcing scarcity on the majority, thus achieving more efficient use of resources, minimising destruction.
But now we are starting to use mathematically positive energy which by nature produces the opposite effect of mathematically negative energy; creation, rather than destruction, we can achieve zero destruction by simply switching entirely to mathematically positive energy, no more need to exercise power of a minority over the majority, in fact that becomes something of a hindrance, preventing our rapid development to a species adding maximum value to Earth in minimum time.
Therefore the law, the only kind left that we should worry about, is what is needed to ensure we add maximum value to Earth.
We do that by ceasing to subtract from Earth, using and maximising the energy we can put to use from the sun.
The way to do that most efficiently is to use the energy of the sun on a distributed domestic and community hydrogen generation ecology.
Accordingly, we need a federated approach to political power, which naturally prevents too much power coming into the hands of any individual or group.
In other words, we need pure fine grained democracy.
We saw how to do this when massive stimulus was issued in US.
I've shown how issue of such funds can be justified and physically maintained permanently.
After this has been implemented permanently then it logically will become something self sustaining.
The data evidenced story of how the UK can make the switch instantly applies equally to every developed country.
This looks inevitable, if we can get beyond the possibility of destroying a large portion of humanity and life, by nuclear war, or other large scale war.
Wars seem reduced lately to nothing more than something happening between rival oligarchs still stuck in the old mode of scarcity enforcement upon their subjects.
Somehow, that needs to be broken.
I think the truth coming out about it will go a long way towards breaking it.
As for the part played by religions now, Christianity was relevant to a world which had to have all things limited, which was a lower intelligence state.
To get back to a world where all things are unlimited, which was a higher intelligence state which we once had, we might look back to some older multideity religions like Yoruba, to understand more about ancient spirituality and what it meant, I think this will open some doors we can barely imagine right now.
That is my take of things.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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