Personally I am in the camp that sees Israel, at least the leadership of it, as having committed sucide, by committing genocide, and we all follow very shortly as complicit, if we can't find a way to stop it.
There is no halfway house in that, we either condemn it or are complicit.
The US is historically the power who claimed to have more or less the opposite values to genocide, as the world's "Policeman", completely opposed to all the ideas of terrorism, oppression, etc, but everyone was under a barrage of propaganda for a long time, so we didn't see what was being done in all the wars in our name, in Vietnam, in Korea, in Afghanistan, all over the middle East and much of Asia, and all over South America, its been carnage with massive, mostly uncounted death toll.
But now its in everyone's face in Palestine, the old methods of propaganda are not working so well to cover it all up, because we are all networked, whilst our governments, all mostly kow-towing to the US, do their very best to cancel all media that they don't like, claiming copyright IP breach, even claiming those media are promoting terrorist ideas, but who are the real terrorists?
We watched, as Russia undid most of the terrorism created in and around Syria, after the US had more or less let it run riot, to bring down all the governments in the middle East, even funding it, and lately watched as money going to Ukraine results in yet more needless loss of life, claiming it is to help Ukraine defend itself, when actually that is a laughably futile effort. Its really about more terrorism against Russia, since we know the trouble there actually started around the Maidan, another Western funded terrorist exercise, which ultimately becomes terrorism against Ukraine, still more funds to that, and more funds go to Israel. The few remaining folk in Ukraine still fit to be ordered into the line of Russian fire, must fear this more than anything, so its their own government they actually fear. The Ukrainian government are the terrorists, funded and appointed by us.
And if you look, Ben, instead of taking accounts of things like the reported "Pogrom" incident in Russia at face value, question it, ask whether what the Russians claimed was the case at the time might have been true or not, that the "Pogrom" incident was staged by actors amassed there by Western powers, to generate exactly the kind of Western reaction that you seek to fire up by mentioning it, as if it was uncontested fact.
We get so much establishment bullshit about the wars in Ukraine, Palestine, and everywhere else now, its been multiplied to try to compensate for what is seen as conflicting misinformation coming from Eastern based sources, even Al Jazeera has just had its ops cut in Israel, after losing many journalists to the Isreali Pogrom, which they are carrying out on the Gazans, and anyone who gets in the way, even their own prisoners. Nobody is under any conusion that folk facing certain death will fight, therefore those folk being claimed to be Hamas, because... they put up a fight, its like how witches were once condemned after the fact of drowning, after being forced under water for a while, if they drowned, then they were witches, and if you hold them under long enough, they are all witches because they all drowned, right?
Just one problem, truth is much stronger than lies, it stands the test of time, whereas lies are exposed in time.
The propagandists are fighting a losing battle, Ben, its best to stay out of it, I think, other than to denounce the genocide.
At the end of the day the planet is burning because of this, its profit at the root of the relentlesly rising temperature, and its an inhuman emergent property in control of us making us do this as a collective, including all the genocide, all the killiing, all the lying, its all built at the root by the basic energy lie of profit. We live by rippiing off the energy from one another, this propagates through all supply chains back to the planet, and the planet heats, because of the volume of things that were not heat, being converted to heat.
Its monetised destruction, it accellerates increase of entropy (temperature by definition), and its relentless, until we start to use the only energy that can be used to reverse entropy, to do what all life other than profit-driven us exists to do - create. We learned to destroy, we evolved to destroy, when we should have learned and evolved to create.
Its not too late, I think. All we need to do is follow the truth, all of us.
It starts when we are paid enough to not feel like we need to keep lying, to get the basic energy we need. It starts when we are given the money for what we already created from solar energy, to not have to keep depending on the money issued on ongoing destruction. It starts when we get solar indexed stimulus. That has to happen to keep any value in money at all.
The longer we don't do it allowing the genocide, killing, wars, and planetary destruction to just get worse, the more we have to question what was it that taught us, trained us, to live by destruction? Which "god" was it that actually started us off on the gravy train of energy slavery?
Seven years of grain hoarding, followed by seven years of famine, instructed by a burning bush, sounds pretty questionable to me.