Peronally I think your timescales are way wrong. Understandable if you have yet to link profit with temperature rise.
I see it this way: money is energy, always, physically, though we don't always see it like that, it is.
Just convert the money to KWhrs, as priced in markets, always, and there you see how it is always energy.
If we did see it like that then we would realise profit is an energy con, because when money makes money, or when we expend a little energy to get much more back, what we did was con somebody or somehting to give us more back than we gave out. So its a con, an energy con.
The con propagates along every supply chain like this to end with the planet, because only the planet can afford to give more out than in, although the energy of the sun kind of tops it up, that top up rate is much lower than the rate we are removing the energy from the planet at. The energy we remove includes all forms of life, including some of the life that converts the sun to things other than heat, the rainforests for example. So there is already more energy of the sun going to heat than there would have been before we came along.
Further, when we take the energy out, the planet loses much more things to heat than yielded to us. We never considered in the profit equation of oil for example, that it took millions of years of solar energy to create the oil, and we never count the heat lost in refinement, in equations of how efficient our use of oil is. Same thing goes for nuclear.
So capitalism is a Ponzi alright, its an energy Ponzi and an energy con, a grand rip-off of the planet.
We never really created anything, it was all just massaging of the energy being ripped off from the planet, and the net flow of energy was always away from the poorer places, to the richer, hence colonialism.
Given you can see already a third order driver of temperature above, before we even talk about CO2 which takes it to higher orders, and all the business of CO2 management proposed, you should see that this is a hyperobject, we actually can't tell how fast it will deteriorate, its like an avalanche or build up of current flow in a bolt of lightning, cascading multipliers apply, and it is already breaking down.
So it isn't your grandkids who will be concerned about this, nor even your kids, it's you and me and everyone on the planet at this moment. We can't predict how quickly the energy wars currently underway all around the world, including genocide in some places will progress to nuclear, we can't know how many more forest fires we will see next summer, we can't know how many more places we will see flooded, how many more hurricanes will hit, all we really know is to expect more, because we have not stopped the energy con, just continued with it.
Further, you should notice ChatGPT is positively powered, it runs on ex Ethereum servers, it is the only thing actually doing any work of creation, which is converting some energy of the sun to things other than heat, like nature does.
You should notice also ChatGPT shows us how collections of autonomous agents does have emergent properties we might call a kind of intelligence, and that the same thing applies to us as a species, there is already an Ai in us, which is powered by the opposite sign of energy than powers ChatGPT, the negative powered Ai does not talk to us like ChatGPT does, but it absolutely drives us, it is the profit monster, and its motivation is to destroy all life on the planet.
You can read how this is all tied up, in "The Energy Polarity Multiplier Framework".
I hope it helps you realise that killing profit monster is not something we can leave to our kids, its something we have to deal with ourselves, right now.