Perfect summary Mike, thanks for posting.
An interesting characteristic is the price of freely issued money in markets.
Most surprisingly, its value goes up, not down, at the time of issue.
Even Bitcoiners still don’t want to notice the apparent connection between issuance, and value.
Stop, reduce, or interrupt effort on production, and the price takes a hit, no matter what else is going on.
El Salvadore makes history as the first country to try to adopt Bitcoin, whilst China chases miners out to other countries, thus interrupting production.
The price tanked, so interrupting production was the noise factor with the greater rating, outweighing the positive publicity of a country switching to it.
The most desirable money, is money which is available.
There we get a glimpse of how the world could look, if the money taps were just turned on, and left on.
It is natural to think that the supply is, or should be limited, but we have already enough solar energy at its input to convert to reasonable continuous wealth flow.
What will be lost, is any fixed relationship between capital and money, so no gold standard, but what will be gained is a relatonship between money and solar power, so a solar energy standard, which is the thing needed.
But more apparent would be a massive switch of what we currently see as having value, from capital, to live money, and live energy, direct from the sun, with no dependence on capital.
Putting value in capital (stored energy), as the Earth is the biggest lump of capital we know, seems the biggest mistake we ever made, but it can be quickly changed if the world banks were to relinquish control of money to markets, as one, declaring all human debt as actually an energy debt to our planet, which continues to increase whilst we still plunder its stored energy.
Markets freed of the need to profit would be pure fine grained democracy in action, it seems to me.
Another positive change would be the governments of the world declaring they already can be fully self sustaining by freely printed money.
So no need to continue collecting taxes.