Oops. There you go displaying an obvious disdain of Engineering, relative to your view of science, downgrading the achievements of Engineers relative to scientists.
There might be such a thing as "Careless scientists who go about trashing the endeavour of Engineering".
You criticised what we are in process of achieving by solar panels, deglamorising them, whilst dangling some kind of unknown addtional energy from the sun, that exists only in a theory of yours, writing a book that tries to rewrite classic Kardashev definitions relating energy use to civilisation, highlighting a symptom of using the wrong energy - the trashing of the planet to date, as what we should be using as the definitions of civilisation?
Can you even hear yourself, this sounds so removed from the reality of the existential energy problem now facing us, because SCIENCE FAILED TO IDENTIFY THE MATHEMATICAL SIGNING OF ENERGY. Positive added to Earth, negative extracted from Earth.
It is still doing so, evidently.
Why not help sort that out, tracing through all the consequences of not doing it, instead of dreaming up yet another dark energy, from the sun or otherwise. It is the only way we are going to get round this very real problem we have right now, of a planet at war, whilst already starting to burn, from extracted energy squandered to heat, whilst ignoring the real power of the sun, the only mathematically positive energy, which is distributed across the planet, realisable only by distributed collection, domestic and community solar, this put to hydrogen to replace fossil fuels whlst at the same time being something other than heat, created from the energy of the sun.
You do a lot of cool articles Avi but it only takes one like this to destroy everything we thought beneficial about the way you might think about things.
You define god-like as having the ability to "Create more than was given". This defies the scientific definition of energy. How can more energy be created from nothing?
This is the same flawed mindset as expects money to make money, without the energy in the money gained having to come from somewhere, at much higher cost that was gained in the extra money.