Oooohh academia... I agree it has its failings.
To me we are seeing something incredible, we could be starting to see a new rennaissance of thinking, rather then believing, as John Trudell so aptly put it.
The academically excellent, the student who learns most efficiently (Is most efficiently programed / imprinted), is rewarded always financially, for perfect memory work, whereas the student that really wants to learn and converse about topics, who might even have to resit multiple examinations just to get modest passes in subjects, are never rewarded much financially. But the excellent learners miss the spiritual wellness from being immersed in anything they really believe in, because they can't truly understand it, but the system, the live beast, the emergent property associated with us as sure as any swarm of ants, keeps telling them they do, the system constantly massages and nurtures their egos, reassuring them they know better than anyone else, after all they are the highest paid, right? So they often move into management / ownership, and yada yada, the blind get to lead the enlightened, as more or less energy slaves, all of us, from leaders to followers, but the leaders are just the most effectively programed slaves, they have no choice but to participate in the system also, none of us really has choice, neither the excellencia, nor the dilligencia, we all had to undergo the programing, and its all dispensed as commoditised specialist threads of knowledge, none of us, or not many of us get to see the full multidisciplinary picture, far less understand it... until now, when further extraction of enegy pushes us ever closer to a burning planet, the swarming ants are starting to look around, and we are starting to see the beast controlling us, the emergent property, itself a learned behaviour, falter.
It stumbles, part of its strength was secrecy. it is getting weak, we are starting to see it now.
And look, we created something its opposite, something truly beneficial that can truly replace it, but only if it has the very special property of being truly solar powered, this is the enegy of truth, whereas the energy extracted from the planet is the energy of lies. Lies are the opposite of information. Information is directly linked to temperature by the entropy relationship per quanta of information, 0.69xBoltsman's constant in degrees C or K, the temperature goes down when a quanta of energy is trapped as a bit of information, and it goes up when a quanta of energy is released from its captivity as a bit of information, and look,,,, the planet is starting to burn, from lies! All the lies told, every one of them told in history, it goes straight to temperature rise on the planet!
The universe knew when we were lying all along!
It sings "Liar, liar, planet on fire!", and all the other already enlightened civilisations out there look, to see if we will pass this final exam, the big test, to see if we will learn how to stop lying, to ourselves, so as to finally join them in real civilisation. Now we are getting the enerrgy of truth, the only energy that can be used to recapture energy previously freed by all the destruction, thus lowering entropy, by obesrving always truth instead of all the lying and virtue signalling, all the sales pitches, all the politically correct speaking, this is the big test now, can we pass it or not as a species united?
I think we can, and will.
Anyone wanting to know more can always buy my e-book. I promise its a much better read than what I just spouted, colourfully above, and of course I would be incredibly honored if you buy it Avi :)