On Human Energy

Some things about ourselves that we should all be aware of.

Frederick Bott
5 min readDec 5, 2022

A human has a lot in common with a computer.

Computers were designed for profit, and if we are honest, we should recognise we were too.

Like a computer, all humans process energy. Sometimes as much as several hundred Watts, or as little as fifty Watts. The details of this are public, thanks to great studies like this one:

The energy we process in modern life comes to us by a variety of ways, most importantly as money.

We exchange money for food, and the energy needed to cook that food, and to heat or cool our environment, and to get us around so we can gather more money.

Where we differ from computers is what happens when we don’t have enough, or when we have too much.

Not enough, and we die, forever, whereas a computer can be revived by powering it up again.

The cells of our brains can only live for a few minutes, with not enough energy to keep them alive.

In cold environments, we need to eat more food to generate more heat in our bodies, or heat the environment to compensate. Either way, we need to consume more energy in cold environments, to maintain the minimum energy needed for our brains. Deliberately cutting down on this energy is dangerous for us, because when our brains are under-powered, we become delirious, removed from reality, in the same way as deliberately cutting down the oxygen we breathe below minimum.

So when we are brow-beaten to consciously try to consume less energy, by those responsible for supplying our energy, that is the “Well-meaning” utilities companies, money issuers, governments, and their media, we should be aware that taken to extremes, they are literally begging us to kill ourselves.

This is whilst the damage done by some folk taking too much, is already done. The money amassed by billionaires, and in fact anyone with significant “Savings”, represents a lot of energy which is removed from all other people.

Capital, is stored energy.

So it is interesting that those mostly in control of capital, or with more capital at their disposal think that the best advice to give to everyone else, is to just consume less energy.

If we are already on minimum energy consumption, reducing it further results in us dying.

Right now, the main bulk of most working people, even in what is considered “Developed” countries are already existing on near minimum energy. We are already operating below our optimal energy levels, by being forced to work in jobs paying not enough money to maintain optimal energy supply to our bodies, and those of our dependents.

We are not particularly good at monitoring our own energy needs, not realising that depression, and insanity, are logical results of not having enough energy to supply our brains.

This is what has to happen to everyone struggling “To make ends meet”, if they / we are not given at least the energy we need to survive.

At the other end of the spectrum, people with too much, or access to too much are obviously affected also, in a way that they literally cannot see or understand the plight of anyone with not enough, they become immersed in a fantasy world, removed from physical reality, the horrors of dying for want of energy.

So that also has to be seen as a kind of insanity, the kind of insanity that causes inhumanity, of a level that they can see literally millions of humans dying, and not understand or care that they have the power to save many of those other humans, by relinquishing their capital, or the effectivity of it but they choose not to, preferring instead to preserve their capital for themselves.

We can see how nature works, to distribute adequate energy to every living thing needing it, and yet we choose to do the opposite, by controlling the scarcity of it, the ability to do that depends on us always getting energy only by extraction, and this is physically unsustainable.

We have reached the point now where we have started to accept energy from the sun, the only actual source of energy which adds Joules to Earth, yet we do not monetise those Joules as yet, which we might do to emulate the action done in plants by nutrients, issued in response to Joules received on its leaves, those then transported to Earth via its roots.

That is the fix that we have to do sooner or later, to effectively transport the energy needed by all people, or perish our entire species, and probably also all life on Earth.

It looks like we may well have been programed to do the latter, we perhaps should view religions as inversely indicating our programming, to do the opposite of what those religions advise we should do.

That we design everything for profit, indicates our programming, itself for profit. In the absence of our profit driven creators, banished or annihilated by others who didn’t agree with our creation, our creators had to be the ones originally intending to profit by our creation, but in their absence, we will self destruct, if we carry out our programming now to its inevitable conclusion.

Our religions then seem to be the lifeline thrown to us, by those who might have banished our creators. Those religions, are our handbooks to hacking our programming.

We are in a position now to do it once and for all, by doing what our religions advise we should do, issuing the free money needed to reflect the energy being received from the sun for free.

Defence companies, many of whom I have worked for, should redirect their attention away from other humans being our real enemy.

Our real enemy would be our creators, who could return at any time, to claim their “Property”.

The only real defence we might have against them, is the power of our sun, which we completely underestimate. If / when we realise this, we should realise our own current misunderstanding of its power is because our creators didn’t and don’t understand it, and they can’t understand that it can be directed at them, ending their run.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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