OK, we have similar concerns, but a difference in understanding.
Yes the most vulnerable are dependent on handouts.
If you read some of my other stories you will see why I have absolute confidence there is no reason why handouts have to be limited.
Money is freely printed now whilst wealth is pumped in via the back door in the form of money as sunlight.
Bitcoin is the main example of money as sunlight, the phenomenon has existed since that came about, around ten years ago, and becomes stronger every day.
I’ve shown using formal systems Engineering techniques why the root cause of all issues is the practice of profit, and even mathematically why solar powered money spells the end of scarcity, the single requirement of profit.
Without scarcity, profit is no longer possible.
So there is no excuse for any money witholding any longer by any money printing or issuing authority, including Bitcoin.
I have every confidence the Bitcoiners will see this eventually, but the banks probably never will.
There is no excuse for funding reduction, especially including removing funds from dependents in faraway places, as well as our own medical staff and services, as we are doing.
No excuse for witholding, in the presence of free money being generated from sunlight.
Now the scarcity is something imposed, by authorities, for no other reason than because maybe they believe scarcity must be maintained, because profit must be maintained.
Presumably they don’t understand it is no longer necessary either.
What do you think would happen, if all people were gifted 10,000 dollars or more, per person, every man, woman, and child, in every country, every month, by some money printing authority or another?
I will tell you.
The experiment has already been carried out.
We already know, but only some noticed. The dependents.
The media, driven by the same drive always for profit, didn’t even register it, but some of us were watching, carefully.
Valuable businesses and services, and individuals previously deemed bankrupt by being no longer profitable, again became supported, their stocks recovered, oil prices went negative, gold and Bitcoin “safe haven” prices went down, pollution dropped to near zero, and of course all war, and even all crime, stopped, and the value of the issued money itself actually went up.
Look out of the window of that hypothetical plane dude, it is no longer in flight, it is sitting on the runway, and has been for a while, we just need to look out and see it, there is no longer any need to sustain the illusion everything will crash if the money stops are opened, and left open.
I have even shown that the system of freely flowing money resulting, Engineers in exactly the same way as every other physical engineering system we know, the action of money is mirrored exactly by the action of any other kind of energy flow.
Can you imagine how unsuccessful a system of piped irrigation would be, if we measured water at the input a teaspoonful at a time?
That is what our economy to date looks like.
The age of a new donation based global economy, free from profit, powered completely by the energy of the sun, complete with fine grained absolute democracy for all people is built in and assured.
We just need to look to see it, and turn on the money taps.
Everything else then falls into place.