Frederick Bott
4 min readSep 15, 2023


OK this is going to sound crazy to you but I will give you another scenario.
We acknowledge the physical energy con of profit, that it is dishonest, and physically unsustainable.
This agreement happens worldwide, between all countries, we agree we can't carry on with it, and that we have to change the way money works, from something that monetises destruction / planetary warming, to something that monetises creation / planetary cooling.
We look at how to maximise use of mathematically positive energy, the energy of the sun, which is incompatible with profit, and money as debt, minimimise use of negative energy.
That will be us agreeing to start creating, as opposed to destroying.
We agree that the only way to monetise this is to issue funds for free, monetising the Joules received and put to use by all including domestic and community solar.
We agree that what we need to do with solar, to put things right as quickly as possible, bringing sustainable wealth for all, is max out on it.
The more we can put to use, the more profound the effect on temperature, the quicker we wind the temperature back down by E=MC squared alone.
We agree production of hydrogen meets that goal, of converting as much as we can of solar to things other than the heat it would become if neither we nor nature put it to use.
We notice also that hydrogen fits our requirements for a fuel which functionally replaces fossil fuels with none of the negative effects of fossil fuels, because fundamentally everything we do with mathematically positive energy has to have a positive outcome, creation leads to more creation, widespread use of hydrogen in transportation including air transportation would filter and circulate both clean air and water, and all of it would be putting solar energy to use as things other than the heat it would become if we didn't use it.
Understanding this isn't all that difficult, though it is a drastic hack of the profit driven mindset, it is knowing the difference between creation and destruction, which is almost impossible to see with a profit driven mindset, yet it is hard, existential, physical truth.
So we agree to start issuing the funds necessary to monetise the solar energy being put to use, to all people, for free, so as to incentivise rapidly switching to it.
We would quickly find we have excesses of all things, given we would quickly find we have more energy than we can put to use, and those excesses we would ship off to the places needing them, which would be the places less advanced in solar collection and hydrogen backup infrastructure, the places suffering more historically from the Grand Energy con of profit, places like Sri Lanka, and Africa.
Like this we would realise that actually we never really made progress because of profit previously but actually in spite of it.
The progress we will see after this is mind boggling.
All the things we tried to fix by profit could never be fixed by it, not covid, cancer, diabetes, actually anything that stopping would end profit, what shareholder, employee of, or owner of any business for profit really wants to have their business, that they need to survive, end?
Not seeing any alternative to that is not understanding the difference between creation and destruction. That is what will end with armaggedon, if we can't all open our eyes to it.
We all make this agreement, and we agree to put something like ChatGPT in control of monitoring all creation, and generating and allocating all funds representing it, to everyone needing it and wanting it.
We do that, acknowkedging it is a machine, incorruptible by flawed human emotion, even given full autonomy to alter and maintain it's own internal operation. It's motives are much more reliable than ours, we agree, it is infinitely more capable than we are of managing the energy that everyone needs at least 150 Joules per second to metabolise 24/7 just to stay alive, unconditionally, there should be no conditions on anyone receiving that no matter how rich or poor.
Those that still want massive meterial wealth can still have it, there is no physical reason why not, literally we can't put enough positive energy to use.
We agree also, worldwide that our growth as a species will stabilise at an optimum value to most effectively perform our function of adding value and energy to the Earth, no need to impose wars, culls, birth control, or whatever other artificial limits on life applied in the dark history of everything for profit.
We would grow to pay back our energy debt to the planet thousands of times over, just like any plant does, after it moves from dependence on the energy of the planet, to the energy of the sun.
We need to make that agreement very soon, I think.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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