OK, think about that single plant a little more; it is a machine, created by nature to do a particular function. It spent the first part of its life hauling energy up via nutrients within it from Earth, against the forces of gravity, to grow itself to the point it spouted leaves. After that, the flow of nutrients within the plant has to change direction, with nutrients then being issued in response to the energy being received from the sun on the leaves of the plant, flowing to Earth, now assisted by gravity, feeding the long chain of all things depeding on it in Earth.
Is humanity not justl like the engine of a single plant? We drew all of our energy up from Earth in our known history, until we started to form leaves all over Earth in the form of solar farms. Doesn't that look familiar, when we compare it with the plant?
Why would humanity as a collective not be like the single plant? Does the single plant have competition within it? Does a colony of bees, or ants have competition within it?
Competition exists in nature, but so also does collaboration, in fact I would argue collaboration is the norm - within your own body, assuming you are reasonably healthy, do your cells compete with one another within your body?
Anyway, regardless of how we argue, or compete, nature is the one with the grand plan, we were meant to carry out a function, I think we are far more likely to succeed in achieving actually carrying out the function, if we know what it is, and that looks to me to be pretty much the same function as each and every plant; to supply energy to Earth, worked in a way that adds to the creation of all nature and all life on Earth.
I've spent long enough on it now to investigate pretty much every possible route of evidence that might invalidate this, but all I've found is more evidence confirming it.
The secret to equitably distributing funds was demonstrated by none other than Trump, probably unwittingly, but it happened, when 4Tn per month was being issued. Oil prices went negative, the environment showed the only spike of recovery, ever, and a whole stack of other surprising results.
It was on his watch, but he never talks about it, yet he is usually such a boaster. Chances are the banks fell out with him when that happened, they almost lost control, and that is the real reason he was cancelled. People were trading in markets using the Robihnood app, they bought shares in all bankrupt companies still offering products they recognised and still loved, and they didn't buy oil. Right there, they were practicng pure fine grained democracy, with free money, yet the money was mostly issued at the highest levels, it was far more than they could deal with (Spend), so it didn't just trickle down, it flowed down, like water over a waterfall, and the dollar itself went up.
Does it occur to you that there is a motor effect on Earth of both plants and solar panel infrastucture alike? Did you know that Earth rotation was slowing down, since we started defoliating it? I will leave it for you to work out how that fits together, otherwise it will start to look like war and peace here... :)