OK my reaction is that a circular economy is not what is needed at all.
Circular implies that it all happens magically within a closed box. We always thought that was the case, its the reason the world resources are still valued at a fixed price. 400 Trillion dollars was the latest I heard from someone who should be an expert.
One day, if we survive as a species, we will look back on that flawed belief, like the illusion we were all once under, that the Earth was flat.
Everything was/is all created from the sun.
All of it, every last atom.
And more is being added every day, the sun never stops emitting photons, donated to Earth in a never ending stream.
It never imposes scarcity, and it never asks for anything in return.
Only humans do those things.
Our currency should mimic the action of sunlight, converting that to a means we can put to use.
It should be freely generated and distributed to all people, representing all of the sunlight we successfully harvest from massive solar power infrastructure.
Then all people can donate to all others, no more need for scarcity, capital, ownership, profit, or any other excuse to demand anything in return for anything given, far less at profit.
The currency of nature is sunlight, the path of wealth flow is linear, ftom the sun to us.
Yet we insist on digging almost all of the energy we use from the ground in various forms, everything dug, and sold for profit is just another form of stored energy from the sun.
The stored energy of Earth is finite, and running it down to any extent comes with all kinds of negative consequences including global pollution, as we can see.
That is where we are at now, its taken a few thousand years to get here, but it can’t go on much longer, we are losing all species of life like an avalanche of genetic disaster.
It is way too late for conservation, something much more radical is needed.
We need to plug into the energy of the sun, straight away.
To do that we have to completely ditch our ideas that the unnatural circular economy we always had is the only way to do things.
Money has to come to represent sunlight.
That means profit has to go.
Our current mode of digging everything from the Earth, to possess it, including all kinds of capital, is a giant Ponzi scheme, the great energy Ponzi.
“The right” wont like to hear that, but it is what it is.
It has gone on for thousands of years, but one way or another it has to, and absolutely will stop.
We might be seeing the first signs of reform with Bitcoin, though it can look like the opposite, if we don’t know what to look for.
We need to look at what drives it.
Mostly sunlight.
Don’t be deceived into thinking anything else, sunlight is the only option in the competitive game of generating Bitcoins, the ongoing energy has to be truly free to provide maximum probability of winning, amongst other miners.
Bitcoin, and all proof of work money is money as sunlight.
The first pow currency should be credited for pushing up the solar infrastructure which will supply all of our energy one day.
When we do the sums, it turns out every Bitcoin minted has to be responsible for bringing to us around 1MW of solar power genetation capacity, forever.
So there, is the distribution network, which authorises forever generation of proof of work tokens.
The rest can maybe be worked out, my response has already become war and peace.
The final part, which the lefties won’t like or agree with, is that market forces, with free money as a caveat, trading with freely issued money, will actually drive fair distribution, with no profit driven distortion of desirability, in fact, pure, fine grained democracy, which we’ve never really had before.