OK but you/we heve to carry this logic all the way through, to identify that everyone, regardless of what we perceive as financial wealth, even the guy who pulled the trigger on that gun, are part of this unsustainable system of energy slavery, not only impoverishing people, but the planet, by this system which always was based on an energy lie, and is now optional, if we all quit it at the same time, as we can now, due to having the technology of solar, including solar hydrogen, and the AGI which is the solar Ai.
Anyone who thinks they are not part of it needs to ask themselves if they can truly live without using money issued as debt to keep putting food in their mouths. If the answer is no, then they are energy slaves. The answer is no for all of us as stands.
What to push for, is solar indexed stimulus. This is the technical basis of the generous UBI mentioned ironically by another famous billionaire CEO, and right hand man now of Trump, Elon Musk.
It would be pretty ironic, and actually a negative system triumph, if it was Musk who was gunned down in the street, before the public ever got to understand what he meant by the requirement for massive UBI.