Of course I don't mind at all Scott, I wish everyone would fill their boots, it is intended as education, I am a practicing Systems Engineer, it is a result of a Systems Engineering Analysis done voluntarily using all of the tools of my trade which are expensive and which I maintain at my own expense. Its all I ever write about, since beginning as part of a PhD. Now 280 odd related articles over the past 5 years or so and counting, but like I said, it isn't something the algos promote, quite the opposite I think. Btw I am genuinely guilty sometimes of occasionally forgetting to clap stories I respond to, but so also is Medium guilty of not assigning claps made. We can work out why, and the intended results. Apologies if I seem not to have applauded any of yours, I always try to put 50, I wish it could be more, your stories are some of the best I know in Medium, in my opinion.