Of course get angry, why not. I have a baby girl too. Well she is to me, still only twenty years old, a third of my age.
But I hope you'll pause long enough to make sure the target of your ire is the right one.
Ai is more or less just the messenger.
The message its sending to you, is the folly of the energy lie that we all are forced to live by, and have been for thousands of years, men, women, kids, all of us, we are energy slaves, you too, and the only thing you will achieve by getting the target wrong, is to perpetuate the problem, which will just keep getting worse, never fixed, although you might make some money from sensationalist articles meantime, it all is ending in tears now the energy lie is coming out.
The real intelligence that exists, associated with us, like the intelligence of swarming ants, like we are, always living from profit, whilst steadily destroying the planet, you too, is the one we have to blame, its the real target, I call it the profit monster, but its had lots of names in history.
That's the one you / we all need to target, to be fixing anything, rather than just making it worse, ruining the planet for our kids, killing their future.