Occam's Razor, by it's own definition is sometimes wrong. Further, it looks like a wholly profit driven instrument, to me, it is most often used to defund non profit efforts.
Yet, as we are seeing, all things driven by profit lead to a burning planet.
We might have avoided this if just a little time had been spent previously by science, clarifying energy by mathematically signing it, positive from sun, negative from Earth, so as to more fully define the meaning of creation, and destruction, by the use of each respectively.
But the funding bodies of the time; oil companies, and nuclear research companies, would no doubt have quoted Occam's razor, to justify their directive to stop doing any such work that might impact their profits.
"We already know enough about energy, we are putting it to use, creating things, aren't we?"
Actually we didn't know we weren't actually creating but destroying, because we didn't go to the trouble of checking out the whole picture.
Occam's razor could well be blamed for the end of humanity, and actually all life on Earth, if that should come to pass, but it would actually be down to profit.
That would maybe be the one final ironic profit driven lie, told to cover up its part in the end of all life on Earth.