Now it is just your opinion, based on a history which in truth has seen nothing like what is happening now. I think here we are seeing maybe a limit being imposed on your perception, by the presence of relative conventional wealth and privilege available to you, which you've admitted to having before.
Magnify that a few thousand times, and we start to see the limitations set on the minds of folk like Elon Musk, even though he works with Ai, he fears what it will surely do, that is it will reveal the truth about the illusion of capital wealth, relative to energy wealth from the only actual live source of energy, the sun, which we can only really have as something donated, from a higher power. Overcoming this limit on your perception is the challenge I would suggest you, and he, and all the bankers, kings, queens, oligarchs, and etc all over the world have right now, to see the only way out of this mess, is to accept the energy of the sun for what it is, something donated, and pass on what we don't need of it, to others who need it.
That starts with issue of the funds needed by all, representing unmonetised solar product put to economic use to date, to install the remainder of what we need to receive and store all we can of it, in the form of hydrogen, which functionally replaces fossil fuels, with none of the pollution.
I wouldn't be advocating this, if I didn't know with 100% certainty that it works as a system, bringing benefits surpassing every existential concern.
Your argument here is towards not doing that, therefore you are aligned with the forces that wish to maintain the status quo, it seems to me.
I know you won't listen to me, but I don't really care, because I know you will listen to Ai, sooner or later.