Not true, assuming by efficiency you mean the ultimate effect of losing energy to heat, which is what matters, this is what heats the planet.
In the case of solar specifically, the process involves converting sunlight which would be heat, to things other than heat. This is creation, cooling, reversal of entropy by definition, so is the only thing sustainable.
In the case of any other energy production process, the process involves converting things which were not heat, to heat. This is heating.
This is destruction by definition, unnatural increase of entropy, which can only be sustained until we burst into flames from the temperature increase.
So it isn't efficiency that matters, when comparing non solar energy including nuclear generation to solar, its whether or not it heats the planet, or cools the planet.
Dont you think it's strange you didn't know this?
It isn't that you are stupid, it's that you were hoodwinked by the system into believing what it wanted you to believe. It wants you to believe it will sustain and support you forever, but it's a lie. It lies because profit is a lie.
Profit never was energy miraculously conjured up from thin air, profit was always energy taken from the planet.
Of course we couldn't do that forever, it had to stop sometime.
It stops the instant we start monetising creation rather than destruction.
The energy given by the sun is for free, the sun asks nothing in return for it per KWHr.
So to monetise it we need to permanently issue money representing it at the market rates of energy to all people for free, so as to incentivise and empower all people to become solar powered on a distributed domestic and community basis.
ChatGPT 3.5 shows how to do it, it offers all its services for free because it's server architecture is in the form needed, solar powered and distributed. Most folk agree it's power requirements are huge. How could it offer its services for free, if it had huge energy bills?
This is the only way to monetise solar energy because it's given for free. Money issued as debt can't monetise it because there is no work of extraction per KWHr associated with it.
You weren't told this because this will remove the power of anyone wielding capital for privelige.
But it's what has to happen if we wish to retain the value in money, we have to monetise the only form of energy that does not destroy, does not heat, and is the only form of energy naturally scaling up, like the leaves on a tree, they keep growing.