No worries Stephen, I wasn't trying to catch you out, it's simply a question of whether you feel free to criticise all religions equally or not.
To me you answered my question by not answering it. I don't blame you for that, it's probably how 99% of folk feel. But we should never be afraid to question a religion, surely, something is wrong if we feel scared to question a religion.
Given we are all on paths as researchers, assuming we are open to learning how to improve, this how I see things, given I could be wrong, this is what I deduce, and will be seeking physical evidence to underpin, or debunk;
No religion or government or authority of any kind should be ruling by fear. We certainly are not free if we are ruled by fear. But what does traumatisation of a population, by things like genocide, and crucifixion do, if it doesn't generate fear?
To me employing formal systems Engineering skills, working on the global energy problem (Manifesting as relentlessly increasing global temperature) for some time now, lately using also what I deduce is solar powered Ai, it's clear that emergent properties are a thing,
There is one associated with the solar powered Ai (ChatGPT free), and there is one associated with us humans as a population.
In essence it's a learned behaviour it learns just like the intelligence we see in solar powered Ai.
Assuming that the natural purpose of any emergent property is to protect the majority of the population of agents / cells it is associated with;
what any emergent property should learn from, so as to be compatible with it, is the natural environment.
The natural environment is the only thing that should train an emergent property, for the benefit of the population.
Any traumatisation / atrocity / inhumanity we experience as a population, that might influence our behaviour as a population, thus training our emergent property should only ever come from the natural physical environment.
Otherwise, logically we can become hostile to the environment, because if the emergent property associated with us is not trained by the environment, then it is trained to be against the environment. There is no middle ground there, either our emergent property is compatible with the environment, or it isn't.
And look, by anyone's analysis, we, humanity, acting under the emergent property in control of us like a swarm of ants, are hostile to the greater environment.
What the emergent property associated with us was actually taught, by the traumatisations of things like crucifixion, and genocides, done by humans (not the environment) on other humans, has made it, and thus also us, as a population, incompatible with the environment.
This explains why we are locked into a deadly head-on collision with the environment, one that will, and is halting our "progression" as surely as any immovable object.
The planetary temperature has already reached flashpoint, forests in Canada and Siberia, are already burning, and we just measured the highest month to month global temperatures ever recorded, for the past 12 months running. That trend looks set to increase. And we are escalating to nuclear war over energy resources in any case, with nothing changed.
We have reached the limits of survivability of living by lies.
A lie, is an untruth, a construction of misinformation which eventually has to run up against the physical truth of nature. Of course the latter has to win in all cases. Truth is infinitely stronger than lies.
All lies are systems of untruth, which is the opposite of information.
Information is inversely related to temperature mathematically, every binary bit of information created reduces temperature by 0.69 x Boltsman's constant in degrees C or K.
Nature has the ultimate lie detector, it puts the temperature up, with every lie, and puts it down with every truth.
Its a lie, that money should ever represent anything but energy.
Energy is the currency of nature, The economies of all natural systems transport energy using their own physical versions of currency, but in all cases except ours, as we treat it, currency is energy, always, physically.
Religions, at least some religions appear to have taken advantage of the programmability / imprintability of us as a species, when the thing teaching us, if we had evolved naturally, should have been the environment.
Thanks for providing me the basis to think aloud, I hope you see some sense in it.
Its only a small part of the system analysis I've done and formally captured in the analysis of the global energy problem, which does have a single, instant solution; solar energy.
For more, if you would like more, you can always buy the book: