Multiple kgs of Lithium are needed per KWhr of energy stored in Batteries. The diaphragm of a fuel cell is the active part, and this is a very small amount of polymer material. It needs changed now and then, but its a tiny amount of material relative to the KWhrs through-put. The tank materials of hydrogen are not all that exotic, carbon fibre is maybe the most exotic. The leakage of hydrogen is tiny relative to tank storage capacities and only happens at certain pressures.
The embrittlement of materials exposed to hydrogen is known and motivates tank and equipment replacements after known periods.
Its all perfectly doable, used in lots of places and use cases.
Have you ever heard of a serious hydrogen explosion or incident in modern use? No. Or at least very rarely (I haven't seen any).
Have you heard of fires in lithium batteries? Absolutely.
The campaign against hydrogen is a cynical exercise being done by the fossil fuel lobby, with specialist scientists blind to the systemic advantages of hydrogen unwittingly leading the campaign.
Its their own reputations they are trashing, not hydrogen.