Nice, sounds like you have some detailed specialist experience of heating and aircon systems.
You know the effect of opening the fridge door in the room, whether the room temperature will go up or down, and actually the effect of just having the fridge in the room.
You might agree the planet is a kind of room, and each premises served by a heatpump is a kind of fridge.
You might have noticed also the atmosphere is adiabatic, so the possible blanket effect of CO2 is not what is pushing the temperature up.
The temperature rise is simply a measure of increase of entropy, which in turn indicates net destruction.
It happens when we convert things that were not heat, to heat.
Getting the temperature back down requires that we do the opposite, we have to take energy that would have been heat, and convert this to things other than heat.
The catch is that we need to do that without doing any work that would generate even more heat.
This is impossible using any extracted from the planet, just because extraction and refinement requires work, even wind and hydro.
Only solar comes with no work, doing all the work needed for creation itself.
So only solar can be used to reverse increase of entropy.
Like I said to Enrique, I wonder when profit driven science will pounce on this and hammer it home.
If we want any survival at all, we have to go solar, but the catch is that the old energy lie of profit won't work any longer, so we will need to replace the old for-profit economic system with one that works to empower everyone to do their thing creating, lowering temperature, just by us being solar powered.
Not long after we start doing that, we won't need all the heat pumps and air con systems, we'll have rejuvenated all the life that used to do it naturally.