NerdBrains is a great word! I like it, and proud to wear that badge, when everything else is removed, can't take that one away hehe.
I never mentioned before, but I have a long term instinct related to your main theme of unrecognised illnesses caused by fossil fuels.
I would dearly love your cause to come to be recognised. I think it would be, in the Kardashev mony scenario (All money issued by solar indexed stimulus).
Until aged ten, I had a sister, she died aged seven, from kidney cancer. An operation was attempted, but she died on the operating table. I was devastated that "God" could be so cruel as to take my innocent little sister. I was fiercely protective of her, living as we were in 70s Glasgow slums with only our officially certified mentally ill mother (bless her soul, she was innocent too), l became an only child, fearful for much of my life that I would also be hit by early fatal cancer.
I've always suspected that pretty much all cancer is caused essentially by fossil fuels (next to smoking tobacco and other leaves, infused with chemicals). In Glasgow in the tenement flats we lived in those days, in every room we had coal fires. Though only the fire in one room might be lit at any time, the apartments inside, and the whole building stank of coal smoke, heavily watering red eyes was normal. On top of that, everyone smoked cigarrettes, even kids (I wasn't quite there yet, I didn't start until later, but been stopped now for about 15 years, replaced by vaping, which doesn't seem anywhere near as harmful to me).
Even in the stairwells, which lined effectively a kind of vertical chimney up the middle of the building, all lighting was gas. A "gas man" actually came round every niight, lighting all the gas lights, in all the stairwells, and in the streets where some of those were also still gaslit. (So I have experienced real physical gaslighting! It was a weird light, almost green, I remember it well). And the gas was created from coal at that time.
I know Glasgow was retarded in this regard, as before we lived there, we lived in the suburbs, built much later than the Victorian era when tenements were built, all electric public lighting was something already taken for granted in the suburbs for as long as I could remember.
Anyhow, what I mean to say is that I see and feel your cause, I've felt it a long time. I am sure we will find an awful lot of life limiting illnesses are down to fossil fuels use, but the irony is that we might not get "Proof", until we get rid of the fossil fuels.
On social media, I have to admit I've avoided it, more or less, despite me knowing it probably doesn't look good to friends and family, I avoid it because I can see the chaos in there, and guess it must be very distracting - thanks for confirming that too.
Great to hear you seem to have managed it well :)