Need to keep in mind torture could have been involved in those Russian soldier "Confessions". It would be a big mistake to think the Ukrainians are whiter than white, there is piles of data around showing their miltary leaders were fixated by Banderas, a Nazi figure, they had similar ideology before they got fired, for losing the war. Your article goes from being potentially a very valuable objective study on the behaviour of ants, to something political that will not age well, and the value of the ants observation is lost.
What we do know is that the Russians were not killing kids, they were taking a lot of them into Russia for "Protection", but not just wiping them out, even targeting them like real Nazis. Those who were demanded back by relatives missing them have been returned, as far as I know.
Which is way more than we can say for Isreal.
Comparing the behaviour of Israel to ants makes much more sense. The ants are acting in a system of energy slavery. When they destroy one another it is becuase the energy supply to the emergent property associated with the ants is threatened, by the energy (Food) in the evrionment becoming scarcer, having been consumed, so they cull and consume one another, effectively to leave more energy for it, their non-ant emergent property which has much greater "intelligence" than they do individually (They know almost nothing).
The palestinians were being held in an energy slavery loop in Gaza but they were probably slipping out of it, judging by the coverage of solar panels, it looks like they were about 70% solar powered, whllst all their utilities energy was suppliied by Israel, at Israel's insistence. Imagine that business dropping by 70 percent, resuilting in 70 percent less people crossing the turnstiles to do the low paid work offered by Israel, that they had to do to pay their energy bills, and we start to get a picture. They would have been interpreted as a lazy energy load, a waste of energy, blamed for all the economic problems of Israel. It might even be no individual in Israel were even aware such a systemic energy slavery loop was going on, but we can see it now looking at it from the outside, its a systemic effect, of everyone being driven by profit.
But the really scary part, is that the same energy slavery loop exists for everyone, all over the planet, whilst solar is eating up the business of utilities energy supply all over the planet. So at some point, if our governments and big corporates getting their energy from us by profit have not themselves become energy independent, from us, supplying us instead with the energy they could get for free after implementation from the sun, there is a real possibility things could get very ugly for all of us, especially if we allow Israel to go unpunished for what they have done in Palestine. Genocide spreads like a cancer, the only way to stop it is cut it out, I think.