Need a reference for this statement. You are bunching everyone with any criticism of "Renewables" in the same basket, the same way as Renewables bunches everything in the same basket, and look, a fundemantal flaw in your argument is the fact that this February was the hottest February ever, despite all those "Renewables" installed.
I show mathematically why wind and all other "Renewables" can't bring down temperature, I show why its mathematically impossible, and I show why solar alone is the only one which use of is creation, and is actually temperature reduction by definition.
The reason why it is never accepted, is that it is not compatible with profit, the energy cant be propagated much beyond those actually receiving it, we never monetise it, its impossible to monetise without givng money for free representing it.
As for the toxicity of Lithium, can't get round it, it kills, it is toxic, and there are about 10KG of it needed per KWhr stored. Try calculating the total energy that needs to be stored to replace all the fossil fuels ever used, noting also it cant fly, at least not far if at all in a large aircraft, and you start to get close to seeing how crazy it is, to think Lithium will ever be anything other than a very specialised form of energy storage.
The main storage medium does literally have to be created in quantities close to what we've extracted as oil, because this is the only way to get the temperature back down, do the reverse of what was done by using the fossil fuels.
But the good news is its hydrogen, by electrolyisis from solar, on a domestic and community basis, its 3x the energy density than fossil fuels in liquid form, and is the only way to keep planes in the air, with a bonus of circulating and filtrating both water and air, it even converts to human food (See "Solein") and if / when we have the required solar indexed stimulus economy needed to monetise it, we will have back things like Concorde, flying 3x further than it did with fossil fuels, and the toilet cleaners flying on board with some fruit and veg, because everyone will have choice to do that, from the richest to the poorest.
Until we do that (Issue solar indexed stimulus - put the grand controller ChatGPT in charge of issuing all money in response to solar energy put to use), the temperature has to keep rising, actually exponentially, because the temperature IS THE ENERGY IN PROFIT, which is ROBBED FROM THE PLANET.
Did I say that loud enough?
Here is a mathematical proof: