Nature As God, Demands Recognition

Ratifying Science. Religion, and Future Law, using Systems Engineering

Frederick Bott
5 min readOct 30, 2022


This story is inspired in part by a conversation with a thinker, who’s thoughts I have much regard for, Auntiegrav.

In that conversation, auntigrav mentioned a brilliant idea.

The idea was that we should include the future of our children in all systems designs.

As a practicing Systems Engineer for many years, I know we never did this before.

But we should, of course.

When environmental issues first began to influence formal systems design, we accommodated it by creating a conceptual stakeholder, to be included in the formally recognised standard list of such, together with actors representing system owners, system users, system legal regulatory bodies and etc.

That seemed to work well enough, until recently when we can see it was actually inadequate.

Now, we can see that the measure of including environment as a formal stakeholder is not adequately “Future-proof”.

A classic failure is nuclear power stations, which still manage to slip through the net of unsustainable developments, invariably ending up as impossible-to-dispose-of nuclear dumps, of the kind now being fought over in Ukraine, at threat of “Dirty bombs”.

If the concerns of our children, for their future, were taken into account at the system feasibility stage, nuclear power stations would fail that test miserably, I believe.

So of course we should recognise a formal actor representing their future.

But look, this still doesn’t quite save environment. It goes a long way towards it, but we just know deep down, that somehow, profit driven business will find a way around it. It can be argued for example, that the future of our children might be assured by just providing them with an escape route from a burning planet, to another planet.

And then, who’s children exactly would we be talking about? Only the priveliged, of course. And what an uncertain future it would be, for even the luckiest of them.

So that won’t quite do, it isn’t quite enough. We need to go further, with our definition of the new stakeholder.

We can get a clue of how much further to go, by considering that there are some laws of physics and nature, traceable, and fully provable by systems Engineering, which are currently being broken, simply because we seem to be unaware of them, even if we are highly educated scientists and economists.

These rules are known and followed by Engineers who actually have to build things that fly, like the spacecraft that might one day fly us to other planets and the stars, if we survive, and prosper enough to develop to that capability.

Yet they are being broken every second, minute, and hour of every day by all of us participating in the unsustainable system of all things for profit, which ties us perpetually into the economy of money-as-debt, which in turn ties us into energy by extraction, which is the root thing unsustainable.

It is understandable that we tend to blame those “At the top”, for causing what we see is now this existantial energy problem, whilst there are some of those who blame everyone else, “The poor”.

But in general, more and more of us are starting to question this system which seems to enslave us.

I don’t know for sure, but I really believe deep down, even “The Rich”, are not particularly happy about being in priveliged positions, seemingly in control of a dying planet.

The only folk who seem to be still hell-bent on “Doubling down”, cracking the whip to try to squeeze a final effort out of what seems now a pretty burned out workforce, are those nearing the end of their working lives, who just want to maximise whatever investments they might think they need to retire comfortably on.

But guys, if you know the systems Engineering, you know this is not going to happen.

Nature will, and absolutely is rapidly removing all value from money-as-debt, and capital, using those very hard, unbreakable rules I mentioned. We can see why, crystal clear, if we just do the system analysis, to see some of the rules like I show in the Kardashev Money stories, for example.

So, how do we identify, enable, and enforce the system of the Future, which integrates perfectly, honoring all of the rules of nature?

To me it looks like it is nature, who we really have to create the new stakeholder to represent.

By doing that, we automatically cover the concerns of our children, it seems to me.

The specific rules I mean are pretty simply summarised, though not easily proven without a full system analysis, tracing all causes and effects to their conclusions.

In summary:

“Nature is the grand authority. Energy is her currency. There is only one issuer and enforcer of it, the sun. We either use it, or burn.”

Now we might notice this sounds religious, even monotheistically religious.

But this is the hard, provable, single truth.

Now all that remains is to allow nature to take its course, devaluing the currency and capital wielded by the rich, to force them and the scientists and economists they pay to advise them, to finally see that this is the inevitable future, the only survivable future.

As covered in the more recent of my previous stories, there is a system solution, which fits entirely within the rules given above, and which is more than adequate to give us incredible wealth, fully sustainable, even allowing and encouraging sustainable growth, and that is a community based solar-hydrogen economy, where money is issued on solar product, which is the Joules received and put to use by us from the sun.

Comparing that with how a plant works, and how our transition to it as a species looks like the birth of anything in nature, including even the plant itself, confirms that it is the right thing to do. That has to be a God-sign, if ever there was one.

All of us, will be on nature’s payroll, with Kardashev Money.

When we move to that, as we must, we have to ensure that the rules of nature are never broken again.

Her rules have to be set in stone as surely as any political constitution, but these rules have to apply to the whole of humanity, regardless of which culture or religion we follow.

Luckily the rules seem to fit into every religion, and even into science.

What we are missing, is these rules to be burned into our thoughts, replacing the current obsession we have with profit, and unsustainable energy from Earth.

The laws of every country should be modified, to include this stakeholder which is nature, represented by the nature actor in every stakeholder analysis, the grand authority, with authority overriding all other considerations.

To do that, we have to recognise nature is legally a living entity, as much alive, in fact infinitely more alive, than any business represented as a living being.

Our contract of employment, on nature’s payroll, will be with nature itself.

To me, nature is screaming at us to do this.

Nature is demanding to be recognised.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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