My role has been as a Systems Engineering consultant for a long time, so am familiar with all the tools used by big corporates to design and manage big systems, and your way of thinking seems reasonable to me, thanks for posting.
I would say though, many big systems were never formally "designed", they just come about, and with systems design experience, we quickly become aware of when systems design is lacking.
A correctly designed system identifies all stakeholders, including even things like environment, and the concerns of all, so as to traceably address all by the system under design.
With things like Facebook, Twitter, and other social media, it is very obvious those were never designed, any further than addressing the single concern of the main stakeholder / system owner; to make them some money.
How many will even wonder what Facebook has to do with environment?
But it is obviously extremely important to all of us, so it should be obvious exactly how Facebook / Meta, or any other big system fits with the environment.
In my professional opinion, all systems should now be designed to be exclusively, independently, solar powered, which is the only way to ensure zero emissions, after implementation.
But the problem there, when we look at how exactly that has to work, is an incompatibility with the fundamental model underlying all business.
The energy of the sun is gifted to us from off-planet, as something continuous, never ending, unlimited, whereas all of our business is based on witholding product until payment, or promise of payment is received.
So to use solar energy effectively, we must derive all income from the energy itself, rather than take from recipients, and then give the product produced using the energy for free, to others who are similarly solar powered.
Having done the systems analysis of the energy system of nature, we see that solar energy, and the non profit business model it forces on us, is the only way out. There is only one real live energy source, the sun, there is physically no way around that.
My own inclination is to try to educate folks about that, with latest efforts being to create a formally recognised new explicit Multidisciplinary Systems Engineering Domain, "Kardashev Enginerring", specifically for the concepts of connecting us up fully to solar power.