My god, I love this little nugget, thanks for that :)
I've found myself drawn into studying derivatives of the ancient African religion of Yoruba. There, they have the idea of many spirits, the "Orishas", who communicate between humans and the creator of humans, "Obatala", who is aloof from humans, not communicating with them directly, so very imperfect, in fact in what we would now call his very own social bubble (like besos, musk, or any other billionaire now)
Further, all of the Orishas are imperfect, all of them having all of the human weaknesses characterising humans, therefore each human is characterised by one or more Orishas.
I first found out about this when visiting Cuba to learn more about salsa, my fav dance, it became apparent this is their main religion, which is wound in with catholicism, which was forced on them in times past.
They turn to this spirituality when seeking answers, or help, they believe these spirits speak to them through the drums of their music, and which moves their bodies (Hence "Rhumba", the backbone structure of salsa and pretty much all afro-latin dance), They also use a system of divination which involves multiple casts of eight shells, or flat beans on strings, each of which can fall face up or face down, giving a total of 256 outcomes, which have definite documented meanings.
The basic salsa structure, and the structure of most modern music, is eight beats "per phrase".
Castro apparently dodged around 256 assasination attempts, I don't know if that was just coincidence.
Personally I think the 256 divination thing bears an uncanny relationship with modern computing, and explains the prodigal mathematical talents that famously existed in some historical African people who were seemingly deemed "illiterate".
The more I dig into that, the more it seems to be based on ancient, long lost technology.
There is even a story about an Orisha, "Eshu", who reputedly devoured all of creation, and who was pursued and "Chopped up" into an infinity of pieces by another Orisha, "Orunmila", to rescue and protect all of creation from the greed of Eshu, which to me looks like a message about decentralisation, and distribution of power, and how it has to be used to combat greed.
Your little nugget fits perfectly, that there is not just one valid religion, there was not just one higher intelligence, they are all valid, all of them have given us frameworks, perhaps related to race, that we should be distilling the common messages of, to determine what we should be doing, specificallly in the handling of energy.
It all comes from the sun, and we gotta use it, or we are done, this seems very obvious to me now, and it is much easier to see how vital it is, when we see how it fits with religions, not just one, but all of them, and if we manage to do this, we will literally be aspiring to become like those ancient higher intelligences we call gods.
We'll learn much more about ourselves and our origins by looking very closely at religions with this in mind, it seems to me.