My daughter is gen Z and she expresses similar sentiments, I get your feeling. There is only one answer, it is to monetise the energy coming in from sunlight, which is generating genuinely valuable creative product, unlike everything we ever did by extracted energy, it genuinely will begin to reduce planetary temperature, after we stop doing the damage by working with extracted energy. This is the difference, we no longer need work when all the work of extraction is done, we just need to know how to convert the KWhrs from the sun to money and issue it to all for free, like the energy was for free, donated from the sun.
Then you get to choose whatever you want to do, free of the guilt you might feel if you knew you were contributing to planetary damage like us.
Everything you do in that new world, probably with a solar powered Ai in charge rather than any human, will be creation, it doesn't matter as long as you do anything with it except just turn it all back to the heat it would have become if you didn't use it, which would be impossible, you need to metabolise at least 150 Joules (150 Watts) of it, 24/7 just to live, and not all of that goes to heat, so even by just existing you would be adding value to the planet, creating by just being alive, metabolising, this alone is creation when done from the energy of the sun.
So hang tight, and demand the solar indexed stimulus.
It has to happen, and when it does, we'll see the biggest celebrations ever. We'll never stop celebrating, seems to me, we just need to hang tight until that happens :)