Moving to a solar hydrogen economy has positive effect on this, although we probably can't do much about existing microplastics, we can ensure future plastics are recyclable by being made from hydrogen. There is known recyclability between hydrogen and plastics, existing plastics can be converted to hydrogen, and hydrogen converts to food (See "Solein"), so its conceivable to create plastics that can be "consumed" by the environment from hydrogen, and if it is all created from solar, then its entropy / temperature reduction.
Win-win on all counts except profit.
For sure we have to do it sooner rather than later. The energy that needs to be invested in the seed installations to start this kind of economy is depleting, as we write, because we cant take much more out of the planet without pushing temperature further into flashpoint.
Looks like check, with one move left to mate, by nature vs human business for profit, I think.