Monroe if I may offer an answer, very soon, millions in every country will be baying for free money. Refusing energy bills is an instinctive first reaction, but eventually millions will be forced into the streets demanding direct free money.
When we saw that before in US, $4Tn per month was issued, equivalent to 10k dollars per month, for everyone in the US.
We saw then oil prices go negative, and the only spike of positive recovery in the environment seen, ever, whilst the dollar itself went up in value.
That rise was probably the most surprising result of all, the opposite of what probably all economists expected.
Another thing that happened was people trading in markets with free money, they caused havoc to the old establishment of whale investors trading for profit. Warren buffet, leading that pack, quit the markets at the time, claiming "something had gone wrong with money".
What was happening was folk effectively voting for things they liked, with their free money, with no clue or interest in what might make profit.
Right there, we saw pure fine grained democracy demonstrated, probably the only time in history.
Obviusly they didn't want oil, a very clear message was sent there.
Further, since they were not investing in things we might call capital, the value of all capital plunged, seriously reducing the power of those holding onto that power by wielding capital, like Buffet.
So they almost lost control, those wielders and hoarders of capital..
Was it a bad thing, that people temporarily in control wielding free money in markets, with seemingly no leader, actually achieved the only positive spike of environmental recovery ever seen?
I think it was a great thing myself, and look forward very much to seeing it again.
On where the free money comes from, what physically made it so valuable it went up when issued in quantity, to me it fits perfectly that it was the free Joules of solar energy, tens of GigaJoules of it per second, now being put to use in every country, yet no money is formally issued on it, those Joules, all donated to us from the sun do incredibly valuable work, which is not reflected by issue of money, as long as it isn't issued to reflect them, so money is deflating in value, manifesting in the inflation we are now seeing.
There is only one way around that, given that solar is the only safe energy we can use, they have to isssue the money again soon, or lose all of the value of their capital by inflation.
Their choice, but either way, capital is being systematically, physically devalued, by solar energy, and there is no other energy we can safely use.
It looks like nature vs greedy, for the first and probably only time in known history, is at check, with one move to mate, as far as I can tell.