Frederick Bott
3 min readApr 25, 2022


Monica it sounds to me like you might be at the stage of understanding that I personally found from watching and fully understanding Paul Grignon's "Money as debt" (I had to watch it about 5 times before it really started sinking in, like he says in the movie, the mind is initially repelled by the scale of deception).
Since then I've been using all the tools of my trade as a long practicing systems Engineer, to piece together the financial framework which I believe we need to switch to, to finally have honest, fair, universal sustainability which also includes the energy system of nature.
It seems very apparent to me that we can't fix the money system without aligning it with our energy system, which also needs fixed.
In fact aligning these two gives us an energy based financial system which is completely transparent and sound, and which can be Engineered using standard physical Engineering techniques that anyone can learn.
Since beginning work on this, several things have become apparent;
We do not currently evaluate energy correctly, we actually evaluate fuels and all other forms of stored energy, quantifying all as different kinds of capital, which all equate to Joules of energy.
Whereas the actual source of all energy, the sun, is actually Joules per second, the only way it can be honestly reflected by the issue of money, is tokens per second, to reflect Joules per second received, and since those joules per second are donated to us for free, we must accept them, and issue money reflecting their reception to all people, for free.
This probably sounds craxzy to most folk who have lived all of our lives believing in, and using capital to do all things, but actually money as capital is an abomination to nature, this is fundamental to the reason it is physically unsustainable, it goes way beyond just our understanding of money, it is also our understanding of energy.
Another way of saying this is that by dissociating money from energy, we understand neither energy nor money, and that misunderstanding is what is exploited by both banks, and energy companies separately.
More is in my "Money-fuel Tree" story.
The solution btw, if anyone asks, how can we, and how will we obtain this truthful system of money reflecting energy, is that we must demand free money, infinite amounts of it, as it rightfully belongs to all people, we will demand it when it becomes apparent that the system of jobs, working for those still wielding capital, is unsustainable. Those in power, still holding capital, will try to brow-beat us into believing there has to be some kind of cull, or population reduction, but it isn't true, real sustainability is about putting the energy of the sun to real human use, we have the technology to store it and convert it to fuel, food, and money, with none of the pollution of the "old world". It can be had by all people demanding we have it, by firstly demanding free money, as we will have to do when all else fails in our personal lives, we will need it to keep putting food on our tables and roofs over our heads. Demand that, and all else has to follow, because the only way to sustain it, is to monetise solar energy.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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