Money maybe doesn't yet grow on trees but it absolutely should, this is the point that seems to be more or less prevented from seeing the light of day because it would remove the value of all capital, and by that, all traditional privilege. What the latter will be replaced by, is planet healing meritocracy, like we saw when massive stimulus was issued during covid. Time to end the scarcity enforcement, nature insists, since now, since around 2005, there is massive economic product being created from solar, but still unmonetised.
Moving to Energyism like this is the only way to stop and actually reverse the global energy problem also. With that removed, all other problems are fixed.
This is also the only way to remove the requirement for all to practice the energy con that is profit.
When profit is made, energy is gained, always from the planet, never from the sun, which gives all energy for free, only the planet can be victim of something stolen, and we steal enetgy from the planet with every profitable transaction and process.
There you see the first impulse of temperature rise before any other symptoms or multipliers like C02.
The only way round it, the only way to put energy into money that isn't extracted from Earth, is to put it in from the sun. To do that, it has to be given fir free. There is no other way of saying that. It's a toxic misbelief now, in the presence of massive free energy, to think that there has to be value in capital for there to be value in money.
The value before massive free energy from the sun, was in capital, which is stored energy.
That stored energy has to become valueless in presence of unlimited energy from the sun. Who would want to limit that creative, positive source when it doesn't need to be limited, but actually encouraged?
This is what needs to happen to be born as a species, unleashing a mathematically positive, creative force way beyond anything we ever saw previously.
The world is not ending at all, just waiting for this.