Money isn't quite myth, it is the main transport mechanism by which most of us get the 150 or so Joules per second of physical energy we each need to metabolise 24/7 to exist. So in that sense money is as mythical as the nutrients that transport energy in plants.
The only problem is that currently, almost everything we do with money ties us into the energy we get from it being derived frorm the ground, like the nutrients in plants before they form leaves, they have to work against gravity to get their energy until their leaves form, creating a kind of micro energy deficit, that they pay back thousands of times over, by growing a lot after they form leaves, and start to issue the nutrients in reponse to the energy received by their leaves, passing everything on that they don't need, to all life including us.
The trouble is now we have the leaves forming by solar farms all over Earth, we still have not started issuing money in response to reception of the energy we are putting to use and creating economic product from, whilst the utilities energy supply business scales back accordingly.
It turns out that every transaction for profit putshes up the temperature just a little bit more, because every transaction for profit is a dishonety where we make an energy profit by doing a little work, but what we are taking away from Earth, and converting a large proportion of back to the heat of the energy that first created it, is a lot more than is yielded to us by the transaction. So in a way, this is a dishonesty to the planet, which we are paying for now by the planet burning.
This is whilst use of the energy from sunlight, by creating life, which cascades to more life, which consumes more sunlitght, is a constant cooling process, putting energy to use on Earth as things other than heat.
All of these problems come from the simple fact that the energy we use comes from Earth, when it should come from the sun.
Analysing all the consequences, we start to see a rule of nature, that energy is the currency of nature, there is only one issuer and enforcer of it, the sun, we either use that, or burn.
Using it means issuing our currency on it, the same way as plants do, imho.
Seen like this, religion doesn't look so far out after all, much less mythical, we were advised not to kill one another, because all bodies are needed to put as much solar energy to use as we can, in order to undo the damage done to the environment due to our previous destructive mode, of working on energy extracted from Earth. Similarly we can see that stealing the energy from Earth is not a great idea. And worshiping false gods from beneath our feet, it never was real energy, only stored, the real source of energy is from above, etc, etc, we can see how all the rules of religion apply, even the rule that profit ties us into energy by extraction, so is unsustainable, by using it beyond some critical point, we will absolutely burn for it, not in ten years time, because the effects are non linear, cascading, we are likely to see this in terms now of only one or two years.
How did they know, whoever those ancient deities were, what it took us thousands of years to evolve to understand, is the question we should be asking, I think.