Mike, thanks for your analysis as usual but I don't believe your good self, or any of the committed doomers actually believe their own analysis, otherwise what is the point of dooming?
Have you ever wondered this?
If you accept that there is something with a consciousness of its own, an emergent property associated with all people carrying out a crime against the planet, by the practice of profit, which is the basic energy crime, where we don't question where the energy gained in every profitable transaction had to come from, we just blindly live like this, carrying out our part in the system, because we are forced to from birth, the system we are born into demands we carry out this energy crime to live. If we stop playing as an individual we get crushed. To avoid that, we have to each crush our individual child like wonder, when someone says look, "I put money in here, and get more back out over here", as kids we know fine well it should not be possible to create something out of nothing, but we go along with it, because we saw them do it, and realise if we don't do the same then we are crushed by the system, with all players already enrolled acting as the agents of the system, carrying out the crushing, shaming, cancelling, "losering", yada, yada, until in the end, dehumanising, genociding, euthanizing, "Putting us out of our misery".
I've gone through the formal Systems Analysis with you, this is where it goes, and what it concludes.
Dooming, looks to me like just the final phase that leads to the cull of a large portion of population, as the emergent property, the profit monster sees fit, to prepare everyone for what comes next, if we let it - our own genocide.
Hence why I think it is so important maybe you see this.
The story of Alan's I could take the time to refute each of his points one by one to show why they are wrong, but this will not fix the problem, because yours and Alan's, and everyone else's dooming analyses are symptoms, negative multipliers of the use of mathematically negative energy.
To understand the energy polarity multiplier framework, you need to read about it, and comment on it If you think it is wrong. It isn't a huge leap to understand, given we all already agree that fossil fuels use is unsustainable.
Knowing that is half the amount of work we need to do mentally, towards understanding why actually all use of energy extracted from Earth, not just fossil fuels, is the thing unsustainable, but to understand that there is a massively capable alternative, that we simply need to switch to, to move from a world of scarcity, to a world of abundance.
The issue is compounded by science itself being a large part of the system agent which is acting to try to suppress any dissent.
I am something of an energy expert, studying it now from different angles all my life, and it still surprises me what new things about it keep appearing, it is an endless source of new information by definition, it is creation, but science has missed this, because the whole business for profit, where we put a little of anything in, getting a lot back out, is something we dare not question, because it leads to where we are now, on the edge of destruction of our planet, science could not possibly admit that it let this happen, by omitting to mathematically sign energy in a way that would enable us to mathematically audit energy, so as to work out things like the energy multiplier framework, which explains why dooming is a multiplier of mathematically negative energy use.
I know, sounds insane, or religious, but it's the hard truth, and it's hard physics now, since formal systems Engieering techniques, a product of the mathematically negative energy system itself, has been applied to the analysis of it, itself.
We might recognise that as a standard technique in formal systems Engineering, meta-analysis, and metamodelling, by examining the methodology of the system itself, the metamodel of the profit driven system, meta-analysis is all well documented stuff.
I hope this clarifies why I think you are wrong, to wish to see more truth in dooming, than just see the truth of hard Engineering and physics, even although it is new, something never done by science before, it is new science that needs to become established science.
I suggest it's you that might be not be putting in enough effort to understand this dude :)