Mike, I think you are right to identify high likelihood of critical food shortages etc, but it should be obvious since IPCC has got the timescales so badly wrong, something is fundamentally adrift with their whole approach to examining the problem.
I show with data proof, what is physically wrong.
Further, the mistake being made, seems way out of the scope of conventional (profit driven) science to be able to describe, the whole concept of net zero and actually renewable energy is deeply nonsensical, a fatal red herring, a profit driven trap into which we are falling hook, line, and sinker.
Notice carbon dioxide generation is not a cause but a symptom, just one of which manifests from our human activity of converting matter and energy fields of Earth to energy we use, including heat, this is energy extraction, just by consideration of E=MC squared, it has to result in temperature increase. Notice this is destruction by definition, the constant activity of converting things created by nature, back to the heat energy from which they started, our activity is literally the reverse of creation.
Where do you see this mentioned, by conventional science, in all the arguments of Carbon dioxide generation, that this is the source of the generation of carbon dioxide, amongst as well as all the other harmful pollution?
Where does it mention that all pollution is simply a by-product of our activity of destruction, which ultimately has to come to an end, one way or another?
Notice also profit is 100 percent systemically dependent on this activity of destruction.
Profit literally can't exist in a world of creation, we have to have the ability to enforce scarcity, in order to demand anything in return for anything else, therefore everything has to come from dwindling resources.
We are tied into assured self destruction by all business for profit!
Now notice the economic product being created from use of solar energy. This is already being done at the rate of tens of Giga Joules per second in every developed country.
Notice that every Joule converted, is a Joule subtracted from what would otherwise be converted to heat, if it was not otherwise put to use by nature.
So here we see the definition of creation, the exact mathematical opposite of the earlier definition of destruction.
Notice also that even if we convert this to fuel like hydrogen, at seemingly low efficiency, the conversion of any of it at all to anything other than heat, is a positive triumph over the system of destruction, still the net result is reduction of temperature. But further, all waste products are mostly benefits to nature, not toxic pollution. We can immediately identify water filtration and circulation, and generation of food independently of conventional food chains which historically extracted food from nature (See "Solein")
Can you see this simple analysis is missing from conventional science?
Because no-one, not any profit driven party wishes to fund it.
Why would they fund a study leading to the ultimate conclusion that profit is the thing that needs to be eliminated?
Further, why would any profit driven platform promote such a story?
I cover all of this and much more, the complete hydrogen ecology needed to overcome all the problems in only a year or so after embarking on the race to get to it, by every community empowered by funds created from the economic produced created already since around 2005 simply being monetised, by the monies representing it being given for free to all communities, empowering them to complete or scale the required solar hydrogen infrastructure relevant to them, no grid needed.
The data shows we are moving to solar, as surely as the leaves grow on a tree.
But as yet no funds are issued on it, because if course this would be relieving scarcity, upsetting the profitability of all things.
But the latter is happening anyway, just because utilities energy supply has already lost around thirty percent of its capacity, to solar.
But still "Authorities" act like no such free creation of economic product exists, while it continues to scale up.
So we see inflation absolutely has to happen, with money which can only represent extracted energy economic product, comes to represent nothing, whilst the economic product of value, from solar, continues to scale up.
Notice a free energy hydrogen economy will power all EVs, and all ICEs including aircraft, not only existing now but technically excellent, lost previously due to becoming unprofitable, like concorde, and space shuttle.
This is the world waiting to happen, the creative world which will replace the old, destructive, unsustainable world, if we are wise enough to issue the funds needed to implement the solar hydrogen infrastructure, to all needing it, whilst the money still has the purchasing power necessary to do that.
Otherwise we are risking losing the chance.
The nonsensical balancing act implied by net zero and "renewables" just becomes ridiculous, and actually impossible, when we realise this.
We were in mathematically negative energy mode throughout our existence to date.
Now we are switching to mathematically positive energy by necessity, so far unassisted, and actually in spite of money issued only as debt, for profit.
Now we are somewhere in the middle, thinking up ways of carrying on profiting, therefore tying us into extracted energy, wasting even more energy by that effort alone, to heat.
Net zero is a distraction and a waste of precious energy, preventing us actually from switching to actual net negative pollution production.
Suspending ourselves in the middle of this switch, is even more unsustainable than things were before the switch started.
I've published all of this evidenced by data.
For the reasons mentioned, it is never promoted by the platform.
Sooner or later, it will come to be known and realised that it has to be acted on, by the majority, imho.