Might as well bury me too if ya don't need electricity, but thanks I know you mean well :)
The whole point of my life as an electrical systems Engineer, building systems all over the world, two degrees, and thirty years working, 200+ stories produced from PhD candidate research work and analysis using specialist formal Systems Engineering tools and nearly 3000 comments in Medium to date, is how to convert the photons of the sun directly into the coins we spend in the shops. That is the only way to put the planetary destruction into reverse, all the inequality, all the wars, all the greed. Until folk are educated up on that, it is my mission to help show the way... would love to come to Missouri for a visit to do a little of that if it might help :)
The source story is purely to debunk some common misperceptions about solar power btw, it is a general example which can be applied pretty much anywhere the sun shines. Nilkolai Tesla knew there was a disconnect between us, and the power of the sun, 120 years ago, but was defunded before he could do anything about it by JP Morgan. Since then we have had two world wars and nuclear weapons, as well as a stack of global pollution and strife.
We just have to realise that is when we went off the rails, and do what needs to be done to get us back on, by connecting to the sun.
By doing that, all possibilities of advantage by capital are removed. With that done, things pretty much manage themselves, everyone falls into whatever interests them in life, no more need for authoritative govenments, no more need to commmit crimes even.
The thing is, it is happening, the dam of free power, and thus free money will burst, very soon, it almost did when massive stimulus was issued, but the indications were quickly brushed over so we quickly forgot.
But folk like me will keep reminding, oil prices went negative, good yet bankrupt companies got supported, coral reefs and the atmosphere recovered a tiny bit, we almost had enough to all stay at home to starve covid to death, but not quite. It will be a different world when free power and thus also free money come about, and it will happen very suddenly, all we need to see it happen sooner, is to be educated, how it works, it is the same way as trees in nature, the photons of the sun enter the leaves and travel through a chain which ends up creating everything we know, there is no reason we can't function in exactly the same way, removing our practice of constantly de-creating all things, instead we start to create things in addition to nature, rather than undoing it.
Even the thoughts in our heads are electricity... :)