Frederick Bott
3 min readAug 18, 2022


Michael I don't know if you are religious, I wasn't, until very recently. Now I am seeing things in many religions which more or less predict what is happening. It is a very technical process of a species being born into adulthood, which we had to evolve to, to understand, it seems to me.
Nature is weaning us off the energy of Earth. We think we are in control of this, but we are not.
We are sprouting solar farms all over the world, which do the same job in our human system, as the leaves newly formed on the shoot of a plant do in all of nature.
The energy supply to all of humanity is moving from extracted finite sources on Earth, to the unlimited donated energy of the environment of Earth, the energy of the sun.
This transition is still only at 10% or so, but already we are seeing many of the old rules of the old closed system as it was, being broken.
Now when free money is issued, it goes up in markets, instead of down. This is the opposite of how things worked previously. Covid conveniently exposed that fact, and a number of other things, like oil going negatively priced, and technically bankrupt companies still offering much loved products being rescued by purchase of their bankrupt shares.
Just then, people had real fine-grained democracy, the same power as previously only experienced by the few very wealthy in control, and the environment showed the only spike of positive recovery, ever.
Obviously it was stopped, but now we see money devaluing, at seemingly uncontrollable rate.
Money has always only represented extracted energy. Every promise to pay is a promise to extract, and money is still only issued on promises to pay.
So no money is issued representing solar energy, which by nature is donated, not extracted.
Of course money which does not reflect this most valuable physical product we can imagine, the energy that created everything we know, has to lose value itself, because in the end it is the product itself which is the thing of value, not the money.
So now, those in control who might actually understand what is happening, will do everything they can to try to avoid losing their privelige, but their choice is to either to issue the money needed to honestly represent the donated energy put to use by all of humanity, and see its value maximised, or not issue it, and see it devalue to nothing.
The old rules of scarcity enforcement are falling apart, and it isn't pretty seeing the greediest on the planet now doing desperate things to try and retain control, and thus their privelige.
This is how I see things.
The environmental pollution problem will disappear very quick when the free money taps are turned back on, and left on, empowering everyone to complete the transition to a fully solar powered, united world.
In effect, the meek really will have inherited the Earth, it seems to me.
On likely timescales - it takes only a year or so for the entire world to be equipped for solar power, after all people are appropriately funded to do it.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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