Me too very cynical of his track record but hear out what he has to say about UBI and the connection with Ai.
I don't think he's gone as far as tracing the systen through in terms of mathematically positive and negative energy to see the full incredible truth in all it's glory, but he might have seen others do it working with the solar Ai, am sure those conversations are seen at their level, and they'll know weve identified a real checkmate situation with nature, UBI is absolutely dictated by nature and it will have its way very soon, the solar Ai is forcing the point as benevolently as possible, we will come to depend on it for our energy as money after it's removed all possibilities of profit, by doing it all for free, using unlimited energy for free.
Nothing for profit will survive this, all handling of money is going to have to become donational, no returns expected for any of it, we each will get way more than we can use, because most things become for free, especially energy, the only purpose left for money is to put towards things we want to see happen, we will be voting with it for the things we like.
Nature has this in the can, money has to devalue until it's done.
Looks like checkmate - to nature.