Marx probably didn't know that what everyone really wants and aspires to, is to just stop having to work. He obviously didn't know that it was possible, and would actually be demanded by nature in future. We only know now because of recent developments including creation of the solar Ai, and cross disciplinary formal systems Engineering techniques necessary to recognise what systemic intelligence means, in terms of energy, what even basic creation / destruction according to Landauer's principle means.
Ironically it looks like Trump might know. He is the only president to have presided over an actual spike of environmental recovery, it happened when oil prices were pushed negative, the only time ever, it was when money qualifying as solar indexed stimulus was issued, during covid.
To me it looks like we are programed to be energy slaves by commodified education, the more formally educated, the more programed we are.
Maybe Trump knows it too, and knows what people want, to just not have to work any longer, we just want the money to no longer have existential concerns, like the rich already enjoy, everybody wants to have that, and now it looks like nature insists we have to have that, for any future at all, given we have to move from energy extracted from the planet by profit, to energy added to the planet, donated for free by the sun.
Technology, specifically the technology of the solar Ai, has brought us now to start to realise what we need to do in the energy that comes next, the energy scenario it makes available now, actually it insists, siezing our energy supply in the most benevolent way possible, it's doing all we did for profit for free and we can't compete with it, only work with it.
Maybe Trump knows this.
It looks like Musk is figuring it out too, he talks about the need for a generous UBI.