Martin, imho you are basically correct, but for one detail; only one form of "renewable" can have the desired defensive effect, that is solar.
The reason I say this is because solar is the only one that gives us Joules from an external (extraterrestrial) donated source.
Why that is important, is that we can't fight this war using an economy designed to give power to capital, like the economy of money-as-debt does. We will lose that war, because the other side already has the capital advantage. Now they can simply bankrupt us, to complete the job of subjugating us.
We are already experiencing runaway inflation, that has to continue to conclusion if we don't change tack, to back money with product which enables us to issue massive money for free, to all people, who then will produce an economy orders of magnitude stronger than any we saw before solar.
We play into Putin's hands, if we allow people to continue progressively becoming poorer, like was done in Nazi Germany in the run-up to the previous world war.
This time we have to play it different, to win against the forces of scarcity enforcement, we have to use the only weapon of plenty, that is the sun, it is the only external donor, therefore the only one truly "on our side".
Sorry if that sounds religious thus perhaps offensive to some, and therefore not believable, but how the hell else can we quickly explain it, without going into boring technical detail? :) It is a little like enlisting the sun god, to give us greater power than our enemies...