Lukas thanks for your positive reply. The image is kind of funny, even funnier as it is such a serious subject :) An energy analysis of Bitcoin with all its implications is actually a key consideration en-route to my conclusions, you can find in a seach for "Bitcoin Kardashev Hinge". There is further a proof of value of money from sunlight, and of sunlight itself, in the "Money Fuel Tree" story.
Rest assured, this isn't just my belief, it is observation of hard physical fact, money is devaluing because we are not issuing it to reflect the real thing of value, the energy of the sun that we now are putting to use, and must scale up, because it is the only energy which is not part of the fixed, finite resources of Earth. People will get the free money when they/we all demand it, but we have to understand why and how it fits with nature, that it should never be switched off, but left on, continuously flowing to all people, like the nutrients in a tree, or like the electric current in a circuit, all bulbs light up bright, but ony when the current flows :)
I would like to see anyone have the gall to try to claim the sun as theirs, when they are faced with the majority of people telling them to just f*** off out of the way :)