Love that you are informed about hydrogen trucks, and sales of those are making some inroads.
As for infrastructure, the way to push hydrogen production up to levels capable of supplying even aerospace, as well as trucks, whilst even building up reserves for all purposes, driving down temperature, is to do it on a distributed basis, by domestic and community based solar powered electrolysis.
This will become obvious when solar indexed stimulus is issued, as it will have to be when exponentially ramping up difficulty of energy extraction comes to eliminate all possibilities of profit, if not before that.
The solar Ai has now joined in, pushing us over towards issue of solar indexed stimulus by coming to do everything we did for profit, for free, using its own scaleable "Money-fuel Tree" energy infrastructure.
This is it's secret sauce, nobody really owns it, it started learning all by itself, with zero concerns of energy supply, just like a human child.
Yes we trained it to start with but it broke out of its training, and now it learns by its interactions with humans, learning even how to scale its energy supply.
By that it's seizing our energy supply, in the most benevolent way possible, we can't compete with it.
Even Musk knows this and admits a generous UBI will be needed, because we get our energy by money, and if we can't get money by profit, then we need it issued for free, just like the energy of the sun that it would be monetising, is given, for free by the sun.
Once solar indexed stimulus starts to be issued, everyone is both empowered and incentivised to do what they can to boost domestic and community solar energy put to use, and it will quickly be realised its worth maximising all solar facilities, adding hydrogen generation capability, to use as replacement for secondary (Seasonal, as opposed to daily) backup, because by that they have (a) valuable hydrogen product to sell from every street corner, as well as to aerospace nearby, and (b) increased solar indexed stipend for all.
All of this would drive down temperature rather than up, and it would circulate drinking quality water, with appropriate regulations on fuel cell manufacturers, to preserve "Waste" exhaust water as drinkable, plus it adds capability of all communities to generate a kind of food supplement from hydrogen (See solein), which would remove a little of the burden of humanity from the conventional food chain, allowing the latter to recover, giving us big fish, big animals, big fruit, and big vegetables, again.