Looks like you are back to the dark side again Harry.
We should remember that the economy as stands, with money representing only capital, only capital sources of energy can be part of that economy, and since energy as capital (Fuel, even nuclear fuel) must always be depleted, to be replaced by toxic pollution, it is a hiding to nothing.
We will be punished for missing that, all of us, it can't be gotten around. If we don't use energy the same way as nature does, we are gonna get burned, literally.
I think this is confirmation that the biblical end times really are upon us.
Seeing only the fuel beneath our feet, is seeing only a false god. Fuel is not energy. Only the sun above our heads emits energy, all of it for free, the same energy that creates all of life, and which can create all the fuel we ever could use, with no pollution in either its creation or consumption.
We can deny that, but denial results in global catastrophy, no way round.
Nuclear, when all is said and done, if we consider all the investment going in, in terms of the energy that went into creating all of the fuel / capital invested, vs the energy yielded, the net result is negative. The sun put in far more energy to that fuel /capital than we can ever get back out. So the use of fuel of any kind always results in a net reduction of planetary energy, and a net increase in pollution.
So nuclear is not the answer.
The answer is solar.
That is the only actual source of energy, not fuel, but adding Joules of pure energy to Earth, forever as far as we are concerned, for free, so the only kind we can use without detracting from the energy of Earth, and on which we can sustainably issue currency, at so many Joules per token, which can be used to fund all people, to carry out all manner of repair and beneficial work, including generation of hydrogen fuel, powered by solar.
Again, failure to recognise this will be rewarded by literally fire and brimstone dude, for all of us even surviving that long, because that is where we have to end up, if we continue to detract from the energy of Earth / create pollution.
I am not saying this as any kind of preacher, but as someone very well practiced in large scale applied physics, who happens to have noticed the incredible parallels with religions, not just christianity, but most religions. Hence the reason I conclude we are actually at the end times.
This time, we can't get around it, there are believers and unbelievers, pulling in opposite directions.
You can choose to be on the dark side, or the light side.
One side will have us annihilated, the other will have us in something like utopia, it seems to me.
Further, we now have very limited fuel remaining to make the investment needed.
I hope you might see better which side is which.