Looking at this again, I am realising Tolstoy probably would have put Nikolai Tesla in the same bag as other scientists or Engineers of the time, when actually Tesla was on the verge of ending the Grand Energy Ponzi, as should be apparent to anyone now reading about Tesla, and his ambitions.
I disagree with Tolstoy, and perhaps with yourself, as I think probably Tesla would have too, on the idea of degrowth.
Tesla knew that ending the Grand Energy Ponzi required simply that we plug into the power of the sun, to end the GEP, because by that, all scarcity is ended, which in turn ends all possibilities of profit, and all advantage of possession, a concept which might have been beyond Tolstoy.
If you haven’t already, I would urge you read Tesla’s paper on Human Energy, published in 1900, to get an idea of his philosophy.
Personally I believe the defunding of Tesla by JP Morgan, his sole funding source, was perhaps the biggest crime in all human history.
If Tesla had achieved his ambition of giving free power together with something like the internet to humanity, back then, we might have avoided two world wars, an epidemic in which 50 million were lost (Spanish flu), and the invention of the nuclear abomination.
…and Tesla, Einstein, Tolstoy, and even JP Morgan himself might still have been with us, flying to the stars with interplanetary space travel.
With the profit obsession removed, all things become possible, and even highly likely, since all manner of human development, including development and preservation of all human genius becomes instantly funded, rather than 99.9% of it extinguished, as currently seems normal.
By harnessing the power of the sun, we literally harness the power of the Gods, and thus become gods ourselves, it seems to me.