Look at what the US is defending right now, right from the top, Biden is defending, and perpetuating classic genocide, contrary to the wishes of the US population, and the governments of the rest of the world, except of course Israel, though probably the majority of ordinary folk there don't support Netanyahu and his chosen plan of action either.
This should remove from all sane people, any remaining illusions about the humanity of all the folk at the top of the US and Israeli governments, including Biden.
We have to see them as Nazis, nothing less. They are enabling and defending the same kind of genocide as was famously done by the classical Nazis of WW2. We don't know for sure what they are doing with these prisoners, they seem to be being just disappeared:
That means we should remove any visors we might have had, limiting how evil we might have thought Biden and co might be, they are displaying their true nature for all to see.
Nazis. They don't fly the flag, but we should recognise their actions.
One of the principles of Nazi propaganda is to make the lies big, much bigger and more horrendous than the public can percaive.
It is truly horrendous to imagine that all the lives lost in Ukraine might have just resulted from Biden issuing what was in effect just a $50Bn cleaning fee, needed to fund a war to destroy all evidence of what might have come out about dodgy Biden family business in Ukraine, after Russia went on the warpath, in Ukraine, looking to grab such evidence.
In that case Zelensky was useful alright, he fell for it hook line and sinker.
So did we all.
We even fell for the story that Russia cut its own pipelines, after Biden implied months earlier they would find a way to shut down the pipelines.
Who profited by that action - just follow the money.
Smiling joe's innocent kid like smile is just too much to try to associate with such grim thoughts, but look what is happening, we have to assume the very worst, unfortunately, to try to anticipate just how screwed up they are in their heads, these oil crazed, gun-slinging psychos in control, they actually have no idea how precarious the world is right now, due to the orgy of destruction being caused by oil, we are on the edge of physical armageddon, and they are still poking the fire, ruining all chances of a future for anyone.
If anyone wants to know why I stuck my neck out on this, besides me working on what I've always seen is an energy problem at the root of all "Evil" (It's all energy crime!), I would strongly advise everyone to follow some very good advice, from Niemoller.
We are dealing with the very thing he warned about, so the last thing we should be doing, is keeping quiet about it.
Don't be scared to speak up, speak your thoughts, don't let the liars win, yet again.
Everyone should speak up, imho.
Let's hope suing the perpetrators might bring even a small hint of justice.